It takes courage to step forward for therapy. It can be a beautiful, enlightening process, albeit a challenging one. You can expect my unconditional attention and respect, my professional expertise and integrity, as well as a safe and trusting environment to learn and to grow. Psychotherapy is a mutual process, a personal journey where You are the priority. Therefore your commitment is essential. The process can be successful if I understand how to help you best, and if you are willing and prepared to provide insights to the elements that may hinder your personal growth.
Individual Therapy
If you feel confused about certain aspects of your life, as if there are missing pieces that you need to discover and put back together, maybe therapy is the answer for you.
Couples Therapy
Have you been struggling with an issue concerning your significant other or your life as a couple? Perhaps your communication is off balance, or a specific issue has occurred that broke trust and integrity between you. If you have both decided to work on your relationship, maybe couples counselling is an option.
In couples therapy, I provide a safe space where you can express emotions that may be difficult to handle. Together we will explore all possible ways to find the solution that serves you both.
Online Therapy
For clients that may be hindered to attend psychotherapy sessions in the office (every time), I offer Skype counselling sessions.
This can be due to different reasons, such as if you live far away, or if you’re constantly on the move because of your profession, which would make it difficult to have regular therapy sessions in one place. Another reason can be if you move elsewhere but would like to continue our therapeutic relationship.
However, online therapy is mainly offered as an exception and not a rule, since therapy in the Here and Now is proved to be more beneficial because of the connection between therapist and client in the same space and the present moment.

EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
EMDR is a psychotherapeutic tool that is based on the principle of bilateral stimulation –originally right-left eye movements– and aims in processing traumatic and distressing memories.
According to the Adaptive Information Processing model, which is the theoretical background of the EMDR method, our associative memory networks are the basis of our perception, our cognitions and our behavior. Most pathologies are derived from earlier life experiences, that set in motion a continued pattern of affect, cognition, behavior, and consequent identity structures. Trauma itself causes an imbalance to this system, that prevents adequate processing, as if blocked.
Put simply, traumatic or stressful incidents create a sort of “knot” in our memory and associative networks, which results to relevant cognitive, emotional and behavioural symptoms whenever fragments of the original trauma are triggered by situational events. The bilateral stimulation of EMDR in essence “unblocks” this knot, while processing the traumatic memory. The rapid associative process that results by the bilateral stimulation activates the exchange of information between the different mnemonic networks.
EMDR has lately become very popular, since it has proved a very effective tool originally for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but more conditions as well, such as chronic pain, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, abuse, attachment traumas, acute trauma, addictions, complicated grief, obsessive-compulsive disorder etc. Growing research shows that EMDR acts faster and more effectively than other therapy methods, and its results are long-lasting.
EMDR regards the client as a co-therapist, since the processing work happens within the individual, while the therapist simply leads the EMDR session, without interfering or intervening unless therapeutically necessary.
EMDR consists of different therapy phases, out of which the most important is the stabilization phase. During this phase, the aim is for the individual to be stabilized, develop emotion regulation skills, practice self-care, establish a safe and trustful therapeutic bond with the therapist, practice relaxation and grounding techniques, and generally be empowered and resilient in order to later on be able to process traumatic content, thus moving on to the processing phase.
Have you been suffering from flashbacks of an intense traumatic memory, or can identify a past traumatic experience that may interfere with your Present? If so, or if any of the above-mentioned issues are relevant to you, maybe EMDR can be a solution to overcome it. We can explore this wonderful and promising method together.
Multiple Intelligences Learning Strategies
MILS is an innovative software tool that aims to assess the different learning strategies and preferences we employ when we learn new things. As a MILS-coach, I can help you or your child discover your own unique learning profile and offer tips that will help you learn more efficiently.
We are all different, therefore we also learn in different ways. For example, some people learn better through visual stimuli (visual), while others can memorize text better (linguistic). Some people have a preference for auditory learning (e.g. can learn better if they listen to the information to be learnt), others learn better when they interact with other people (interpersonal), and others learn better when they are moving (kinesthetic). We all have a unique learning profile that consists of all of these different learning styles on different degrees.
Discovering your specific learning preferences will not only help you find out the most effective ways to learn and remember new information, but will also help build up your self-esteem.
How does it work
The MILS is appropriate for children from 9 years old and adults.
The MILS learning strategies test lasts for about 1 hour, but actual completion of the test depends on the individual himself.
The results of the computer programme are explained by the MILS-coach at the end of the session and a discussion follows which aims at finding out what is the best working learning strategy and what kind of learning tips and materials would be more appropriate for the individual.
Upon completion of the session the MILS coach prepares a unique personal report which includes the results of the computer programme along with personalized tips, strategies and advice according to your learning profile.
MILS can be done either in the office or on Skype.
When and for whom can MILS be useful?
The MILS assessment may be useful for any occasion that requires understanding the individual’s learning preferences.
Parents may be interested to find out the best way for their child to understand and complete their homework and learn more effectively at school.
A child may be experiencing difficulties with adjusting to the school system, in which case it could be useful to explore their learning preferences and find the easiest and most effective way for them to cope with their school responsibilities.
A child or adult may be needing advice on choosing the most appropriate educational course or career path.
An adult student may be needing assistance to understand how to best study for their course according to their own learning profile.
An adult may be needing assistance in order to best perform in the workspace, if their job requires studying and learning new information.

An overview of all the offered services and fees is provided below.
Intake session
The intake session is scheduled at the start of therapy.
This session is free of charge.
The cost of an individual counselling session is 100€ (60 min).
I offer a lower price for students & unemployed individuals, if necessary.
The cost of a couples counselling session is 140€ (75 min.)
The cost of an online counselling session is 100€ (60 min).
An EMDR session typically lasts longer than 1 hour, often up to 1,5 hour (depending on the issue to process).
The cost is 150€ (90 min).
The cost of a MILS session including the report is 140€.
The MILS assessment typically lasts 1,5 hour.